Thursday, 06/11/30.è

This morning Arthur Blakeley receives an urgent appeal from C.A.G.E. re the missing Coote and Carrington receives a telegram from Blakeley asking if there are any planes available in Alice Springs  to search for the pilot. Carrington replies that there are no planes available, (and if there were they would be in the air already) but a search party on camels left the mission on Monday last.

Coote girds his lions this morning, getting desperate for water he rounds the rock spur ready to do battle with Aboriginals and finds Phillip Taylor and Paddy Tucker and their men cooking the morning meal. Mighty peeved at his misfortune Coote blames Taylor and tucks into breakfast anyway. Pilot and mechanic return to the plane and Taylor has the damaged propeller repaired by midday. Taylor is disappointed to learn that the utterly irresponsible Coote has no intention of immediately returning to Hermannsburg  to report his safe return and stop any search parties out looking for him, intends to spend a couple of days photographing and exploring the Rock instead.

Terry  and Bailey up 5.00 to a very hazy morning that will probably last for a couple of days Terry thinks, final tidy up and last supplies loaded, away by 8.00. It's a bad day on the track, very heavy and much of it in petrol guzzling first gear and the second gear is still clattering and stiff, bloody annoying considering the effort in repairing it. There is no wind and the truck boils frequently, uses eight gallons of water for the day. The men are glad to call it a day at 7.00 p.m after fifty-seven miles.


