Wednesday, 29/10/30.


The cramped pilot climbs from the cockpit of the stranded Golden Quest II before sunrise, fearful of attracting the attention of the Aboriginals he makes a frugal breakfast then sets off, determined to circle the rock. Carries a tin of red aeroplane dope with the intention of painting signs on the rock as to his whereabouts. His first S.O.S. reads ‘Plane 5 miles S. W. Coote 29/10/30. 

Coote is suitably impressed with the beauty and sacredness of the place and in his clockwise journey comes across the vehicle tracks of Michael Terry’s expedition at the end of the western spur, later at the north eastern corner he discovers camel tracks and bootprints at a large waterhole. This leaves Coote in a state of anguish, has Taylor been and gone? He continues south and finds plenty of water at a verdant Maggie Springs, returns to the plane late afternoon.  

The accident prone pilot makes a thin supper over a carefully screened fire and later in the evening fires three shots from his pistol to attract attention of the hopefully nearby ground party, there is no response especially from  any Aboriginals that may be about. 

Lasseter and Johns return to Illbilla late in the afternoon, the supplies are intact and camp is made. Johns is still none the wiser as to Lasseter’s true intentions and is not overly surprised when Lasseter tells him to return to Alice Springs for fresh supplies, camels and miners rights. 

Endeavour team underway at 7.30 and the road improving except for the occasional bog, catch up with the camels and the loading on the way to Lambina, their progress is slow as one camel insists on lying down frequently, that one won't be going west, being a camel it probably senses what’s  ahead. Arrive at the Alberga near Todmorden station but the river far to deep to cross at the usual place, crossing eventually made with a midday lunch and a change of engine oil, 385 roadless miles and 560 on the road, excellent. Arrive Lambina at 5p.m. and camp with Sharpe for the night, he has the best radio that Terry has heard in the outback.


