Saturday, 04/10/30.


Blakeley and mates still stranded at Stirling Station. Creeks flooded and roads impassable, Blakeley passes the time teaching the youngest member of the family the rudiments of English.

Because of the delays caused by the wet weather and the late arrival of the camel team Terry decides to call today the regular weekly rest day for the camel men. Terry and Williams continue prospecting the Kelly Hills by camel, leave at 7.30 but it’s a short day as Williams leaves lunch back at camp. No quartz in the Kelly Hills and no gold of course. Camels uncooperative. Ants everywhere at the camp and Biddy the other dog catch the first wallaby on the trip.

Pastor Albrecht and three Aboriginal guides leave the Davenports heading for the Ehrenbergs and a much needed water resupply at Illbilla, endless sandhills.



