Tuesday, 16/12/30.

A day spent refurbishing the camp with many a stray thought about the open ended arrangement with Pittendrigh and Hamre. Rolfe and mate with camels spend the day collecting firewood, the vicinity of the camp is bereft of fuel.

Meanwhile Pittendrigh and Hamre are in Adelaide having the Golden Quest II overhauled by Horrie Miller.

At camp 53 it's a coolish cloudy day with a few spots of rain and  Terry improving slowly, getting fed up with being laid low, attempts clothe washing and minor camp duties and mends his hat, fortunately discovered on the track by the camelmen a couple of days ago. Colson cooking and greasing the truck. Bailey and Bird arrive at camp at 5.30 having covered 52 miles in two days, they have nothing encouraging to report. Terry is not surprised.

A most inquisitive family of six Aboriginal arrive at camp at dusk.


