Friday, 28/11/30.

Heavy rain during the night and Taylor's camel team awake at 5.30, some time wasted finding the camels but the team away at 8.00, they put in a creditable thirty miles for the day and camp at 5.00 p.m.

Bird and Bailey off prospecting at 7ish, enthusiastic and optimistic at the change in the country, and Colson continues searching for the elusive Harriet Springs. Terry cooking and guarding camp and a dozen and one other things, more or less a quietish day for him after many weeks of dawn to dusk work. The two prospectors have a long day of it, not returning until 5.30 and somewhat deflated after dollying and loaming several quartz reefs they have nothing favourable to report, and Colson and Mick fail to locate the springs. Tent rigged for the evening, indications are rain.


